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Woche 10


People and places. At the café. Learn: - Places and prepositions - Subordinate sentences with question pronouns - Possessive pronouns - At a café - Sentences with two objects Review: - Clothes - Describing people - The numbers - The cases --- INHALT: Tag 64 Interviews - Kleidung Orte und Präpositionen (Erklärung) - Places and prepositions (explanation) Orte und Präpositionen (Übung) - Places and prepositions (exercise) Read & listen: Meine Ferien in Europa Tag 65 Personen beschreiben (Text) - Describing people (text) Personen beschreiben (Spiel) - Describing people (game) Tag 66 Nebensätze mit Fragepronomen - Subordinate clauses with question pronouns Zahlen (Wiederholung) - Numbers (review) Possessivpronomen (Erklärung 1) - Possessive pronouns (explanation 1) Tag 67 Possessivpronomen (Erklärung 2) - Possessive pronouns (explanation 2) Possessivpronomen (Übung) - Possessive pronouns (exercise) Tag 68 Possessivpronomen (Übung) - Possessive pronouns (exercise) Im Café (Text) - At the café (text) Im Café (Vokabeln) - At the café (vocabulary) Tag 69 Interviews - Im Café Sätze mit zwei Objekten - Sentences with two objects Read & listen: Zwei Freundinnen im Café Tag 70 Tag 70 - Test


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