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Hallo, ich bin Juliane!

Juliane Klingenberg Nery

Since I was a teenager, I loved learning languages. English and French were by far my favorite subjects at school. And I always knew I wanted to “do something with languages” later. After a  school-exchange, where I spent 5 months in Paris, I was even more certain about it.
Fast forwarding a couple of years, I was studying “Modern Foreign Languages” in a European program which allowed me to study in France, England and Germany. That’s when I started teaching German to kids and adults, 1-1, after class.
After my internship in Canada, where I met my Brazilian husband, we decided to move to Brazil. And some of my German students from Canada kept having regular lessons with me over Skype. Everything was taken online and I started to create my own PDF materials. Teaching German was so much fun and that’s when it occured to me that this is what I actually want do for a living!
I continued to teach online after we moved to Germany. As the lessons became more popular and I was not able to handle the demand, the first ideas for an online video course started to come to me.

I had the vision of creating an online learning platform with videos in which I would teach German just the way I would teach a student who was sitting right in front of me. I imagined a place where students from all over the world could learn about grammar and the German culture, but also do exercises and be active themselves. That’s what I have now accomplished with German to Go, and I cannot wait to teach you, too!

Ganz liebe Grüße,

Ein paar Fakten...











Ich bin eine "waschechte" Berlinerin. 
I am an actual, "real" Berliner.


Neben Deutsch spreche ich Englisch, Französisch und brasilianisches Portugiesisch fließend.
Apart from German, I speak English, French and Brazilian Portuguese fluently.


Ich habe lange im Ausland gelebt: 2,5 Jahre in Frankreich,

2 Jahre in Brasilien, 1 Jahr in England und 1 Jahr in Kanada.
I lived abroad for a long time: 2.5 years in France,

2 years in Brazil, 1 year in England and 1 year in Canada.

In meiner Freizeit trifft man mich am häufigsten auf dem Spielplatz an - mit meinen zwei Kindern.
In my freetime, you will mostly see me at the playground - with my two kids.


Mein Mann ist Brasilianer. Wir sind seit 2010 glücklich verheiratet.
My husband is Brazilien. We have been happily married since 2010.


Ich bin Optimistin.
I am an optimist.


Ich liebe es zu wandern und Zeit in der Natur zu verbringen.
I love hiking and spending time in nature.


Ich mag es auch zu malen und habe vor einiger Zeit einen großen Baum an die Wand in unserem Wohnzimmer gemalt.
I also like to paint and painted a huge tree on the wall in our living room a while ago.


Ich genieße es, zu einem Croissant einen Latte Macchiato zu trinken.
I really enjoy having a latte macchiato with a croissant.


Ich bearbeite alle meine Unterrichtsvideos allein.
I edit all my lesson videos by myself. 

my family

Do you want to learn German or improve your German? I would love to take you by the hand and guide you every step of the way.

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